The bad bills destroying Oregon.

Here, you can read each bill in its entirety and discover who was responsible for passing it. Jules Walters voted to pass every bad bill between 2023 and 2024. Each section below is categorized by issue. Scroll down until you find the issue that matters to you most or read them all.

*Links take you to OLIS, the Oregon Legislative Information System.

Bills that Unleashed High Crime & Violence:

Democratic legislators have defunded and demoralized the police. As a result, Portland’s murder rate increased exponentially in 2021 and again by more than 100% in 2022. More than two-thirds of murder victims are Black men and boys under the age 30. Democrats claim “black lives matter” but, if they did, we wouldn’t have the following policies:


SB 48

Forces judges to release violent criminals on their own recognizance; eliminates minimum bail requirements for Measure 11 crimes and methamphetamine offenses.

Analysis: Senate Democrats emboldened violent criminals, enabling them to terrorize their victims and commit additional violent crimes while awaiting trial.

SB 211

Republican bill requiring State Police to maintain a base staffing level.

Analysis: Democratic legislators voted against this potential bill that would have prevented further cuts to State Police.

SB 547

Republican bill to increase pay for law enforcement officers while responding to a riot.

Analysis: After the defund the police movement in 2020 began, Senate Democrats continued to demoralize Peace Officers working tireless hours to defend life and property from violent extremists.

SB 755

Measure 110 implementation which decriminalized hard drugs like Fentanyl and Meth.

Analysis: Measure 110 was passed by the voters, sold as a humane bill that would result in fewer addicts in our penal system and adequate state funds for treatment. But Senate Democrats failed to allocate ANY funding for treatment programs and, as a result, more Oregonians than ever before are dying from drug overdoses in our streets. Oregon now ranks last in access to treatment and first in the nation for addiction and overdose deaths.

SB 2928

Prevents law enforcement from using non-lethal and safe methods of crowd control.

Analysis: This is a truly incomprehensible bill. As citizens in the Portland Metro Area were physically oppressed by near constant rioting; with police officers and small businesses the primary target, Senate Democrats passed this state law to prevent law enforcement agents from using nearly all non-lethal and safe means of crowd control. This bill, by omission, only allows the use of clubs and lethal force.

HB 2936

Private background checks on police officers to determine if they have any history of being “racist.”

Analysis: I find this bill especially concerning given that, in 2021, those who disagreed with the radical left were labeled “racist.” Therefore, this bill could be used to “cleanse” conservative police officers throughout the state and in every public jurisdiction.

HB 3115

Overturns local public camping laws to allow homeless camping on public property.

Analysis: This bill infringes on the property rights of taxpayers and every municipality in the state. But more concerning, is the sheer number of homeless living in unhealthy and inhumane conditions in our city streets. The economic disaster of our homeless crisis is real: businesses and residents are fleeing the chaos of inner city Portland, just to find the problem creeping into the suburbs and bringing its crime and sadness with it. There is very little any city can do to stop Portland’s homeless from invading. Senate Democrats took their power to fix it and gave it to the State. For the well-being of everyone touched by this induced crisis, this bill must be repealed.

HB 3124

Allows homeless to camp longer on public property.

Analysis: Senate Democrats are complicit in engineering the homeless crisis. After passing a bill that overturns local public camping laws to allow it, they signed into law an extended stay.

HB 3164

Makes it legal to refuse the orders of a police officer, during a riot, and prevents officers from making arrests for or charging rioters with Interfering with a Police Officer.

Analysis: You would think that with 200+ days of riots in Portland, the State Legislature would step in and help secure our communities. Think again. Legislative Democrats made sure that police were further restrained and enabled rioters to engage police officers with no fear of consequence.

HB 3265

Prevents public body from denying services and benefits to illegal aliens. Prevents law enforcement and officers of the court from inquiring on immigration status or providing information about an individual in custody to federal immigration authorities.

Analysis: This is why Oregon is a top destination for cartel operations and human trafficking. Portland ranks third in the nation for sex and human trafficking. Why? Because Democrats place illegals above the law.

HB 3273

Prohibits law enforcement agencies from releasing mug shots to the public.

Analysis: Another state law passed by Oregon Democrats to protect criminals. Arrests are public information. Meanwhile…

HB 3355

Makes police officers wear special identification while working riot control in city with population over 60,000. Exempts State Police.

Analysis: Democrats furthering the demoralization of police officers with a more protective treatment of rioters.


HB 1510

Prohibits police from initiating traffic stops for violations such as broken lights or outdated registration. Removes prohibition for those on parole/probation to use marijuana.

Analysis: More legislated chaos. Forcing police to allow people to drive with their lights out, at night, puts everyone on the road at risk.

Bills that Destroyed our Schools:

Oregon Democrats legislated the agenda of fringe social groups; passing HB 2845 in 2017, which forced Critical Race Theory and Comprehensive Sex Education curriculum in all K-12 schools (both public and private). They took local control of school districts away from the voters and centralized power at the Oregon Department of Education. Then, they removed achievement and graduation standards in effort to cover up the total failure of Oregon schools. As a result more than 60% of Oregon’s are performing below grade level in math, reading and writing.


SB 867

Republican bill to reopen full-time in-person school in 2020-2021 school year.

Analysis: Our children do not benefit from lack of standards. All parents understand this. However, the state and teachers unions do benefit. While they are failing our children, they can feel good about graduation rates.

SB 744

Democrats voted and passed this bill to suspend the Essential Sills Requirement to earn a high school diploma in Oregon.

Analysis: Oregon Democrats voted against this bill and helped to defeat it. Now, the data is clear that isolating our children at home was worse than Covid. This was common sense at the time considering 17x more children were committing suicide than were dying from Covid, but Democrats defy common sense.

HB 3294

Tampons in boys bathrooms - all public school bathrooms.

Analysis: This bill follows up SB 867 which sneakily implemented Comprehensive Sex Education, otherwise known as, sexualized curriculum integrated into all courses of study. CRT’s primary objective is the psychological manipulation of boys and girls to adopt the belief that they can choose their gender. This bill supports the ODE in making it mandatory to allow boys to play in girls sports, use girls bathrooms and locker rooms.


SB 1521

Prevents school boards from firing superintendents for insubordination or incompetence and reserves power to terminate a Superintendent’s contract to the Oregon Department of Education.

Analysis: This anti-democratic bill took away democratic local control of school districts from the voters. It was in direct response to the Newberg SD saga in which the voters ejected far-left school board members and replaced them with common sense leadership. The Superintendent refused to implement board actions and was terminated for insubordination. Now, if a Superintendent refuses to implement board actions (whose members were elected by the voters), the school boards can do nothing about it because the superintendents are no longer accountable to the boards, only the Oregon Department of Education.

SB 1539

Republican bill that provides funding to help homeless students improve access and achievement.

Analysis: Oregon Democrats voted against and stopped this bill that would’ve helped kids in need.

SB 1575

Republican bill that forces school districts to post curriculum content on website

Analysis: Democrats voted against and stopped this bill because they don’t believe that parents have the right to know what is being taught to their children.

SB 1583

Waives federal state grade level assessment requirements.

Analysis: After suspending the Essential Skills Requirement, Oregon Democrats removed the federal grade level assessment requirement - not for the betterment of our children, but to protect the Oregon Department of Education and the big teachers unions destroying our schools.

Bills that Destroyed our Economy

Oregon Democrats taxed, fee’d and regulated Oregonians to unprecedented lengths to make Oregon the 5th most expensive state in the U.S.


HB 4007

Increases recording fees for homebuyers.


SB 40

Increases license fees for heating oil tank decommissioning and corrective action certification fees.

SB 41

Modifies oil spill prevention fees. Adds huge fees to the transport of oil cargo by water or pipeline. Contributes to high energy costs.

SB 68

Increases annual fees imposed on public utilities and telecommunications providers to cover the cost of the Public Utility Commission. This is a fee up to three-tenths of one percent of providers gross revenue for each calendar year. This cost is passed onto consumers.

SB 248

Increases fees charged by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.

SB 256

Permanently prevents exploration and production of oil, gas and sulfur offshore.

SB 770

Establishes task force on Universal Health Care charged with recommending to Legislative Assembly design of Health Care for All Oregon Plan to provide equitable, affordable, comprehensive and high quality health care to all Oregon residents. This task force is now proposing $12.85 billion in new taxes to fund the plan.

HB 2010

Increases tax on health insurance premiums and increases net reimbursement guaranteed to Oregon Health and Science University for costs of services paid for with Medicaid funds.

HB 2057

Increases maximum fees for commercial weighing or measuring instruments or devices. Adds to cost of goods, mostly related to food.

HB 2059

Extends sunset on State Department of Agriculture to annually impose fee increases for licenses related to food production. Increases cost of goods directly related to food.

HB 2061

Increases fees for animal feeding operations. Increases cost of goods directly related to food.

HB 2080

Increases fees assessed by the State Marine Board. Increases cost of goods directly related to food.

HB 2270

New $350 million tobacco tax.

HB 2352

Creates a requirement for endorsement and fees in newly created towed water sports program within the State Marine Board. Consider it… A fun tax.

HB 2623

Prohibits fracking for oil and gas production.

HB 3447

Increases court filing fees by 6%.

HB 2975

“Repeals certain transfers for general governmental purposes” means reduction of the kicker.

HB 3427

This is the CAT tax or Corporate Activities Tax which adds a gross sales tax to fund statewide equity initiatives, including major grants to LGBTQ and race based education groups. The gross sales tax increases all cost of goods sold by compounding through the supply chain and driving inflation directly to the consumer. This is a horrific bill that must be repealed immediately.


SB 1603

Cell phone tax in the form of a Universal Service Surcharge appropriating moneys to grants and loans relating to broadband.

HB 4302

Increases fees on mining exploration, gas, oil and geothermal well drilling.


SB 846

Another kicker reduction bill.

HB 2072

Increases Home Health Agency License Fees.

Bills that Destroyed the Integrity of Elections

They have made it easy for the political party in power to cheat our elections. Read the following bills and see for yourself.

2021 Regular Session

Prohibits removal of inactive voters from election systems and reactivates all voter registrations currently inactive due to voter not voting or updating registration. This usually occurs when a voter is diseased or leaves the state.

Analysis: Now, why would the Democrats want to maintain active voter registrations for deceased voters and voters who’ve moved out of state? I have a hard time seeing this from any other angle, other than it makes it easier to cheat.

Provides county clerks an additional 7 days to receive ballots by mail if postmarked by election date. However, Section 1(8) contradicts by allowing un-postmarked ballots to be counted, as long as it arrives within 7 days post election day.

Analysis: It does make sense for mail-in voting systems to allow extra days, if postmarked by election day. The problem is the section that allows for un-postmarked ballots to be counted. The Secretary of State will see cumulative results on election day and has 7 days to “find” ballots. And, with all the extra registered voters who are inactive, there’s plenty of potential ballots available to cheat election outcomes.

Bills that Drive the Homeless Industrial Complex and Socialized Housing:

The “Homeless Industrial Complex” is destroying our communities and ruining the small business environment. But the worst thing is: after spending billions of dollars every year, Oregon leads the nation in homeless and drug addiction. How is this possible? The money goes to privately held non-profits and massive government agencies that have a vested interest in perpetuating the homeless crisis. These policies are taking from the middle class and enriching the political class.


SB 611 - Walters voted YES

Caps annual rent increases for residential tenancies.

Analysis: Rent and price controls are communist in nature and have proven only to increase housing costs. With the uncertainty of the next price control, landlords are compelled to maximize rate at every opportunity - even if the free market would demand a lower price. When all landlords do it, renters have no choice but to pay the higher price. This policy has led to the highest rent costs in state history.

HB 5019 - Walters voted YES

Appropriates moneys from General Fund to state agencies related to housing.

Analysis: $184.2 million appropriated to state agencies and privately held non-profits for socialized housing and race based government handouts.


HB 3395 - Walters voted YES

Allows affordable housing on lands zoned for commercial uses within urban growth boundaries. Requires local governments to allow emergency shelters based on the total number of homeless shelters. Requires DHS to finance private organizations for socialized housing development.

Analysis: This is the State taking control of local land use policies to pay for and build government housing on the taxpayer dime.

HB 5511 - Walters voted YES

Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Housing & Community Services Department.

Analysis: Allocates more than $2.5 billion dollars to the Housing and Community Services Department and creates more than 400 new government “jobs.”

HB 3042 - Walters voted YES

Preserves publically supported (socialized) housing by imposing extreme restrictions and civil penalties on landlords.

Analysis: Imposes heavy regulations on landlords who’s tenants are awarded state housing financial assistance. Restrictions include stringent price controls, lease agreement interference,