More Radical Propaganda in the Classroom as Tigard-Tualatin School District Faces Budget Cuts from Lack of Enrollment

Tualatin, Ore. On May 9, 2024 Libs of Tiktok ran a story on X featuring a class assignment at Twality Middle School, of the Tigard-Tualatin School District, asking students to draw comparisons between Donald Trump and Hitler. This comes at a time when school districts across the state of Oregon are forced to make massive budget cuts due to significant drops in enrollment. Enrollment numbers began a sharp decline in 2020 when parents began to witness, first-hand, the level of far-left political and sexual indoctrination being consumed by their children at school.

While Tigard-Tualatin School District has recently announced it’s plan to cut an additional $8.8M from its annual budget, the cause of the problem is perpetuated with the continuation of offensive curriculum. In this assignment, a teacher at Twality Middle School uses Nazi examples of anti-semitic propaganda then, at the end of the assignment, asks students to determine which quotes belong to Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler. You can download the assignment here.

In response to this assignment, Candidate for State Representative in District 37, Ben Edtl, has issued the following statement:

“Our property and business taxes are paying radical extremists to indoctrinate our kids with their deranged viewpoints. The Hitler/Trump assignment is just another example that our schools in Oregon are apparently paralleling the anti-semitic indoctrination seen in the public schools of Nazi Germany. It’s no wonder that 60% of Oregon kids can’t read, write and do math at grade level. Events like this will be quickly eliminated by restoring local democratic control over school districts. The Democrats created this, so the only answer is to elect Republicans to the legislature.”


Ben Edtl on the Lars Larson Show - IP 17


Oregon Secretary of State Set to Seek and Destroy Opposing Speech.