Oregon Department of Education Expands Race Based Hiring in 2025

Tualatin, Ore. - Oregon Department of Education is expanding it's race based hiring throughout Oregon. The ODE will spend $3.7 BILLION on a program that tracks the race of all local school district employees across the entire state. They call it: "Oregon's Educator Workforce Data Solution" and the program is in response to Oregon SB 283, which directs the Department of Education to develop and implement a plan to establish and maintain statewide data system on education workforce.

Ben Edtl has issued the following statement in response:

“Apparently 60% of our kids unable to read, write and do math at grade level isn’t low enough for lawmakers like Jules Walters (D) and her friend Republican Deputy Senate Leader David Brock Smith. Because even though DEI has clearly been a total failure, our corrupt lawmakers, on both sides, are doubling down on race hiring over merit.”

Oregon used to have one of the nations best education systems. Now we rank 46th in the nation in education performance. Furthering the DEI policies that caused the collapse of our education system will only make matters worse.


Download the “Oregon’s Educator Workforce Data Solution”


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