In Oregon, the fix is in…
The time is now to break it.
The Economic Crisis “Fix.”
Oregonians are being taxed into a sub-standard of living. Our state has become the 5th most expensive in the nation to live in and we all feel it when we pay the electric bill, go to the grocery store, fill up the tank, pay the rent or mortgage. Why? From Rent controls, the Corporate Activities Tax and the multitude of carbon, vehicle and communications taxes, to heavy regulations on healthcare, farming, fishing, manufacturing and energy, our legislators in Salem have implemented policies to skyrocket cost of everything we depend on. While we’re already suffering from the inflation of Bidenomics, we Oregonians face extra financial pressure as a result of excessive taxation.
Breaking this “fix” is a big job that will take numerous legislative sessions to fully complete. But, with Republican control of the House of Representatives, we can make a huge difference in the cost of living in Oregon by eliminating the CAT tax, creating a free market in the energy sector, stopping the advancement of socialized housing and healthcare and repealing the multitude of various taxation bills that add up to no end.
The Education Crisis “Fix.”
Oregon ranks dead last in education performance. That’s because our state legislators eliminated democratic process at the district level by preventing our elected school boards from enforcing their own policies in 2022. This centralized all power over individual school districts to the state. After that, we watched in total confusion, as BLM and LGBTQ indoctrination get inserted throughout all curriculum. Boys in skirts infiltrated girls locker rooms and sports and total chaos ensued as a result of the anti-disciplinary policies set forth by the “social justice” extremists at the Oregon Department of Education. Hundreds of millions of tax dollars were spent on re-education consultants while legislators fed on the trough. Now, the majority of Oregon’s youth can’t read, write and do math at grade level.
In order to break our education system we need to reinstall local democratic process and decentralize from state power over our schools. I want to immediately repeal HB 1525, which took the power of local school boards and thus the power of the voters. I want school choice in which the money follows the child and the elimination of ALL legislative mandates requiring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion curriculum in every public, private and charter school in the state.
The Drug Addiction Crisis “Fix.”
Under the Brown administration, cartels were allowed to begin operating in Southern Oregon with impunity. Partner that with open borders and sanctuary status for illegal migrants in Oregon and the stage is set for the next step: decriminalization. The decriminalization of hard drugs in Oregon was a travesty we all saw coming. To get to the root of this issue, you need to understand that 1) there wasn’t a significant drug problem in Oregon to begin with and 2) corrupt politicians in Salem were paid off by the Drug Policy Alliance, a New York based, George Soros backed non-profit who also funded Measure 110. Other notable and newsworthy payoffs include the La Mota scandal, in which Governor Tina Kotek, Secretary of State Shemia Fagan and Senate President Rob Wagner, the three most powerful Democrats, who each took “stacks of cash” in exchange for the obvious. If you think the Measure 110 recriminalization bill passed in the 2024 short session solves it, think again. It’s nothing more than another payday for themselves and that’s why the criminals in both parties voted to pass it.
If we want to break the rampant drug addiction problem in Oregon, we first need to stop legislators from stacking their PACs with drug money. Secondly, the Oregon Health Authority has the sole decision making power on the establishment of treatment and medical centers in Oregon. The power of the OHA must be revoked so that new treatment facilities can start and operate in Oregon under a free market. Drug addicts need to be faced with appropriately harsh consequences AND be given the option to receive taxpayer funded treatment. All Measure 110 related laws, including the “recriminalization” bill passed in the 2024 short session must be repealed. All it does is further line the pockets of the politicians who created the crisis in the first place.
The Homeless Crisis “Fix.”
The homeless crisis was engineered by the decriminalization of drugs and public camping, rent control, the encouragement of illegal migration, the elimination of law enforcement, infringement of property rights and blatant legislation preventing municipalities from enforcing anti-camp laws. It wasn’t Covid. It was Covid era policies. These policies created the crisis in which Democrats are using to justify the socialization of housing in Oregon. Follow the money and you’ll see the con. Big builder, realtor and construction PACs paying large sums of money to legislators from both parties. If you pay them, they will build it with kick-backs. Using your money, not theirs. All while Oregon is shrinking, along with the housing market.
I’ll break this scam by getting the state out of the housing market completely. Developers should build when there’s a demand from buyers, not greedy politicians. We need to return to a free housing market, eliminate all rent controls and restore power to cities and counties to manage their own homeless problem as they see fit. We need to completely criminalize hard drugs, prosecute drug offenders and force them into treatment alternatives to jail. Furthermore, I’m not at all interested in being forced to pay for the housing of illegal immigrants who don’t have the right to be here in the first place. In a perfect world, we’d revoke sanctuary status in Oregon so that our tax dollars go only to serving Oregonians who are here legally.
The Healthcare Crisis “Fix.”
I think we can all agree that Obamacare exists and therefore we have national socialized healthcare. The only problem is that’s a federal grift so, politicians in Oregon can’t profit from it. So, they created the Oregon Health Authority. The OHA now has all power over every public and private healthcare facility in the state, decides whether or not a new healthcare facility can open, retains more power than the Governor to descend all of us into lockdown and can mandate medical regulations at will - like forcing you to take an experimental “vaccine” proven to cause death. Also, the OHA has been inserted into “Public Safety” to aid in the enforcement of future lockdowns and force you to disclose HIPPA protected personal information to your bartender (if required). In exchange for violating your Civil Rights, it uses your money to provide premium healthcare to whoever wants it, including illegal aliens. After all, premium healthcare in Oregon is a right. The OHA receives more than 44% of the total annual state budget or roughy $44B. No other spending category even comes close to that. So, when it comes to communist medicine, Oregon is number one.
As you can tell, I’m not a big fan of the Oregon Health Authority and would love the opportunity to break it. OHA should be disbanded and the assets liquidated to private entities. I don’t like the idea of anyone forcing anything on anybody and that’s why I don’t like the OHA. However, the Oregon Health Plan is a good solution to provide healthcare for those in need.
The Climate Crisis “Fix.”
There is no scientific evidence of an impending climate crisis. But capitalizing on the weather and fear of misinformed citizens is tremendously enriching for the crooks in Salem. Joe Biden is paying out huge sums of money to winners of the the wildest ideas. Like banning gas powered vehicles, replacing the food supply with solar panels and eliminating natural gas and hydro power in exchange for diesel powered windmills in the ocean. What could go wrong? All solutions to the climate “crisis” are economic, imposing on individual liberties and the freedom of energy markets. This policy platform was constructed by the United Nations. It’s called “Agenda 2030.” The primary goal is to impoverish you with the high cost of energy and create food shortages to reduce the human population. The program pays selfish politicians and foreign adversaries very well - at yours and my expense.
Real science and data is pure kryptonite to the climate crisis scam. It doesn’t take a scientist to learn the basic facts and draw conclusions that lead to policies that achieve real environmental benefits, without sacrificing ourselves, our rights and our land to the United Nations. Does this mean I think we should all be driving gas guzzlers from the 1950’s? No. As an environmentalist, I think not. We should recycle, landscape our properties using native species, allow our industry to sustainably harvest and extract while, as a society, look into cleaner and more efficient sources of energy like nuclear.