Oregon: Leading the Nation in Homelessness & Crime

A list of Oregon’s highs and lows relating to the rest of the nation in regard to homelessness and crime.

Courtesy: Citydata.com

Tualatin, Ore. - It’s gotten “progressively” more dangerous in Oregon during the past 5 years. Democrats (and Republicans) in the legislature have engineered the increasing property and violent crime, throughout Oregon, by eliminating law enforcement special units, taking police officers off the streets and “re-imagining” the police by focusing resources towards the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion agenda. They also prevented local towns and counties from sweeping homeless encampments, made it against the law to ask anyone for proof of citizenship and eliminated bail requirements for violent offenders. You can see the destructive policies for yourself by visiting the “Bad Bills” page on my website. Meanwhile, the damage is done. Here’s where Oregon now stands, compared to the nation, on matters of public safety:

  1. Oregon ranks #43 in overall public safety as one of top 10 most dangerous states. US News

  2. Oregon ranks 300% more than the national average for the number of incarcerated juveniles. US News

  3. In the Portland Metro Area violent crime is nearly 2x the national average.

  4. In the Portland Metro Area property crime is MORE THAN 3x the national average.

  5. Portland Ranks #20 in the most dangerous cities in North America in the first half of 2024. Numbeo

  6. Currently, in 2024, the number of murders in Portland exceed that of San Francisco and Seattle combined. KGW 8

  7. In 2022 Portland ranked #2 in total West Coast murders behind only Los Angeles. Oregon Live

  8. Oregon ranks #3 in highest rate of homelessness in the nation. Statista

  9. Portland ranks #6 in highest number of unsheltered homeless in the nation. Brookings Institute

  10. Oregon has the highest rate of homelessness on the West Coast. Axios Seattle

  11. Oregon had the 4th largest increase in the nation of total homeless population between 2020-2022. Central Oregon Daily

  12. Oregon had the 2nd largest increase in homelessness in the nation in 2020-2022. Central Oregon Daily

  13. Oregon has THE LARGEST population in the nation of homeless families with children. Central Oregon Daily

  14. Oregon ranks #2 in largest increase of homeless veterans. Central Oregon Daily

  15. In 2023 Portland was #1 in the highest percentage of unsheltered families in the nation. Axios Portland

Oregon’s homeless population increased 23% between 2020 and 2022, 8.5% in 2023. Multnomah County reported a 29% increase in unsheltered homeless in 2024 and Portland State University reported that more than 21,000 students are homeless.


Where’s all your hard-earned money going? Check out the 475 page governor’s budget.


Oregon: Leading the Nation in Taxation